Calm Box Magic


Ever felt so consumed from routine? To the point where you are in a robot-like state that you forget what small things cause you happiness? It happens to the best of all of us. Chores, job responsibilities, making sure the children are fed, school work, and grocery shopping can all make one so wrapped up in what is needed to be done that it may cause us to feel like a robot, neglecting our own needs. Pause for a moment and think about your personal needs. What needs must you take care of for the sake of your mental health? Daily routines can completely strip us from our individualism. It is important to have time for ourselves, and even if time is limited, a small strategy per day can help alleviate stress and increase a healthier mental state.

Would it not be easy to have a magical aide that can be taken with you and used when in times of distress? This is one that you can create at home. Take five items that pertain to your five senses as follows: touch, taste, smell, hearing, & sight. These five items should cause you to have a sense of comfort, peace, and happiness when you are in its presence. I want you to try this method. You can put it in a box, a bag, or a tote. It does not need to be fancy. You can add more items if desired. For example, for smell you can use your favorite candle scent or carry around an essential oil or fragrance that you enjoy. For touch, you can use a favorite soft, fuzzy blanket. Add a couple of treats in the bag that can be saved for a time when you need it to soothe those taste buds of yours. This qualifies under taste. Or how about a picture of someone you love dearly?

It is merely up to you on what you want to include in your special bag. Even among the busiest of them all, it does not take more than a couple of minutes to look through this bag of yours. Remind yourself that you are important. You matter and so does your personal happiness.

My personal favorites include a candle of my favorite scent, a lotion with the most softest texture and a cooling sensation, my favorite candy is specifically saved for a time of stress, pain pads for back aches that I apply right before bed, foot pads for the soles of my feet that make my feet feel warm and cushioned (meanwhile releasing toxins), and essential oils to rub behind my ears and my wrists. This has become a nightly ritual.

There are times when you might forget to make you a priority. However, this is one strategy you can use to help relieve some stress. Put your calm box somewhere in sight so when you are feeling in need of comfort, all it takes is opening up your magical calm box.


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